I am doing joint refinement of a perdeuterated protein, and I am having a
problem with alternate conformations - the deuterium occupancies don't match
the overall occupancies for their conformation:
ATOM 335 N APRO A 19 13.154 0.897 15.243 0.38 8.64
ATOM 336 CA APRO A 19 12.556 0.209 16.391 0.38 7.61
ATOM 337 CB APRO A 19 13.743 0.043 17.350 0.38 12.47
ATOM 338 CG APRO A 19 14.713 1.102 16.926 0.38 9.70
ATOM 339 CD APRO A 19 14.594 1.126 15.443 0.38 13.59
ATOM 340 C APRO A 19 11.414 0.974 17.057 0.38 13.42
ATOM 341 O APRO A 19 10.559 0.334 17.671 0.38 15.65
ATOM 342 DA APRO A 19 12.236 -0.672 16.112 0.48 5.78
ATOM 343 DB2APRO A 19 13.454 0.173 18.268 0.43 15.49
ATOM 344 DB3APRO A 19 14.128 -0.841 17.229 0.52 10.36
ATOM 345 DG2APRO A 19 14.460 1.959 17.300 0.60 13.82
ATOM 346 DG3APRO A 19 15.610 0.852 17.197 0.30 14.04
ATOM 347 DD2APRO A 19 14.850 1.996 15.097 0.48 12.84
ATOM 348 DD3APRO A 19 15.119 0.413 15.046 0.40 8.63
ATOM 349 N BPRO A 19 13.163 0.886 15.240 0.62 8.58
ATOM 350 CA BPRO A 19 12.606 0.252 16.438 0.62 7.70
ATOM 351 CB BPRO A 19 13.777 0.307 17.423 0.62 11.89
ATOM 352 CG BPRO A 19 14.973 0.224 16.548 0.62 11.13
ATOM 353 CD BPRO A 19 14.616 1.094 15.375 0.62 13.76
ATOM 354 C BPRO A 19 11.399 0.972 17.012 0.62 13.34
ATOM 355 O BPRO A 19 10.491 0.304 17.514 0.62 15.31
ATOM 356 DA BPRO A 19 12.371 -0.680 16.253 0.23 7.26
ATOM 357 DB2BPRO A 19 13.760 1.148 17.905 0.72 12.42
ATOM 358 DB3BPRO A 19 13.734 -0.446 18.034 0.19 14.30
ATOM 359 DG2BPRO A 19 15.759 0.552 17.012 0.87 14.63
ATOM 360 DG3BPRO A 19 15.094 -0.695 16.264 0.40 9.68
ATOM 361 DD2BPRO A 19 14.807 2.022 15.580 0.43 11.93
ATOM 362 DD3BPRO A 19 15.083 0.798 14.578 0.31 8.63
I am using these refinement options:
refine {
strategy = *individual_sites *rigid_body *individual_adp group_adp tls \
*occupancies group_anomalous
sites {
individual = None
rigid_body = None
occupancies {
individual = None
remove_selection = None
constrained_group {
selection = None
hydrogens {
refine = *individual riding
refine_adp = one_b_per_residue one_b_per_molecule *individual
refine_occupancies = one_q_per_residue *one_q_per_molecule individual
contribute_to_f_calc = True
What refinement options should I be using to keep the D occupancies the same
as the rest of their conformation? Hope you can help!
2009/2/4 Pavel Afonine
Hi Carsten,
they should definitely add up to 1. If the PDB file contains altloc identifiers, then those atoms should be picked up automatically and you don't need to specify any selections. For example, make sure you have something like this in your PDB file (the starting occupancies can be any):
ATOM 49 N MET A 10 3.832 -11.001 0.570 1.00 11.55 N ATOM 50 CA AMET A 10 2.523 -10.377 0.709 0.70 12.44 C ATOM 51 CA BMET A 10 2.574 -10.279 0.718 0.30 12.42 C ATOM 54 CB AMET A 10 2.580 -9.129 1.601 0.70 14.67 C ATOM 55 CB BMET A 10 2.822 -8.921 1.394 0.30 13.99 C ATOM 60 CG AMET A 10 1.245 -8.462 1.951 0.70 18.00 C ATOM 61 CG BMET A 10 1.545 -8.166 1.727 0.30 17.90 C ATOM 66 SD AMET A 10 0.659 -7.204 0.780 0.70 19.47 S ATOM 67 SD BMET A 10 1.792 -6.615 2.600 0.30 26.45 S ATOM 68 CE AMET A 10 1.520 -5.730 1.337 0.70 20.21 C ATOM 69 CE BMET A 10 2.371 -5.566 1.271 0.30 26.12 C ATOM 76 C MET A 10 2.021 -10.028 -0.671 1.00 10.57 C ATOM 77 O MET A 10 2.780 -9.724 -1.578 1.00 11.30 O
and then everything should be OK. Unfortunately, I can't tell much about the selections you use without looking at the PDB file, so in your case I would just try the above suggestion.
On 2/4/2009 12:15 PM, Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] wrote:
I am trying to sort out some issues with the constrained occupancy refinement in phenix 1.4.3. The structure I am working on is fairly high resolution ~1.4A and it looks as if a couple of the alternative conformations would benefit from occupancy refinement, no hydrogens are present yet.
I defined the constrained groups like this:
occupancies { individual = None remove_selection = None constrained_group { selection = chain A and resid 66 and altid A selection = chain A and resid 66 and altid B } ....
I expected that the sum of occupancies would be restrained to 1, which they should according to the manual, but the refinement gives me occupancies of 0.7 for altid A and 0.34 for altid B, starting values were both 0.5. Similar discrepancies were also present in other groups, like 0.5 A, 0.37 B etc. The latter is the largest deviation from 1 I have seen in thus far. The alternate conformations were generated in coot, by splitting at the CA position.
Is this a rounding error I just have to contend with or is there some other parameter I need to tweak?
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