On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:15 AM, G Y
Thank you for your kind answer. In fact, what I need are the euler angles, translation vectors and Z-scores for each solution. I run phenix.phaser from a shell script by phenix.phaser params.eff, not from GUI, still I can not file a .sol file. How can I get thoseĀ informationĀ if there is no .sol file? I found in output log file there are some information like that. But they are not summarized in a nice list and located at different part of the log file which makes it difficult to grep these informations. Is there any easy way to obtain a list for euler angles, translation vectors, Z-socre for all the solutions in a nice format?
It looks like Airlie just checked in some code to enable this, which I've modified slightly to fit better into the GUI. So, starting tomorrow: phaser.keywords.general.keywords=True will cause it to output the .sol file, which for the very simple example I ran looks like this: # this is the job title SPACEGROUP P 21 21 21 SOLU SET RFZ=16.6 TFZ=27.4 PAK=0 LLG=1362 TFZ==26.9 LLG=1362 SOLU 6DIM ENSE 1l3r EULER 180.199 180.000 0.000 FRAC -0.50025 -0.00071 0.00010 BFAC 0.00000 Does this have everything that you need? -Nat