Dear Oleg, Thank you so much for your help. In the parameter file, what should I give to the labels below mtz_labels = None cif_labels = None Could you provide an simple example for them? Thanks a lot. Best, Huawang On 08/25/2016 01:49 PM, Oleg Sobolev wrote:
Please find some about phenix.mtz_as_cif usage below. In the next nightly build it will be displayed if you run the tool without arguments. Please let me know if you need additional information.
Best regards, Oleg Sobolev.
phenix.mtz_as_cif: Convert mtz to CIF format. Usage: phenix.mtz_as_cif data.mtz [params.eff] [options ...]
Usage examples: phenix.mtz_as_cif data.mtz
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mtz_as_cif { mtz_file = None output_file = None mtz_labels = None cif_labels = None }