15 Feb
15 Feb
4:29 p.m.
Hello to the Phenix bulletin board community, I would like to know if I could find a tool to automatically assign HETATM atom (or even, water molecules) to the nearest protein chain ? In my case, I have 4 protein chains in the asymmetric unit : A, B, C and D. I would like to assign each ions and each ligands (which are numerous) with the chain letter of the nearest residue that coordinate them. Usually, I rename everything by hand but as the in-house program of the PDBe AutoDep deposition tool automatically do that... I beg your pardon if this question has just been posted here. I didn't find any tool either in the Phenix Suite or in the "Extensions" and "Calculate" menus of the Coot program (v0.7). Best regards. Romain Talon