Doh! I was looking in the manual for the release version, not the one for the dev-version. My face is red.

With regard to the test failure am I right in thinking that it's probably not much of a problem?


On 7 January 2013 17:08, Nathaniel Echols <> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Morten Groftehauge
<> wrote:
> I forgot my important question in all my "this seems to be working but the
> test says it doesn't"-drama:
> How do I specify disulphide bonds for MR_rosetta? I know it keeps them if
> they are in the input model but disulphides are generally poorly conserved,
> especially in the %identity range where mr_rosetta is the most useful.
> According to the changelog this feature should be available in the latest
> dev.

Maybe something like this?

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Morten K Gr�ftehauge, PhD�
Pohl Group
Durham University