On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:56 AM, G Y
The problem is that in the output .mtz from phenix I found the value of F and DANO becomes more or less same for each reflection. This is unreasonable for a reflection file. Phenix changed something on the columns of my .mtz file. How? Why? What should I do to keep my .mtz in correct and unchanged form? Thank you very much for your advice.
This is a bug that we fixed very recently; please update to the latest nightly build. (The problem, FYI, is that we used to convert F,SIGF,DANO,SIGDANO,ISYM to F+,SIGF+,F-,SIGF- internally, which is also what would be output - unfortunately, the reflection file editor was keeping the old labels around. You could fix the ambiguity in the version you're currently using by changing the output labels appropriately, but I assume you'd rather keep the original data types. [Although we still think it's better to use the original Friedel mates; Phenix never uses the anomalous difference array by itself.]) -Nat