2 Nov
2 Nov
11:38 a.m.
Hi Nat I try to use a shiny new GUI for Phaser I stuck with the definition of a component mass. Line command accept "None" for mass of component, but not GUI. It claims that the mass calculated value I supply is not integer number, for the sake of argument I have tried 14, 14.0 etc. (BTW as a sequence is also supplied, why just not to calculate it?). So for a wile back to line commands until you will suggest a solution Dr Felix Frolow Professor of Structural Biology and Biotechnology Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Tel Aviv University 69978, Israel Acta Crystallographica D, co-editor e-mail: [email protected] Tel: ++972 3640 8723 Fax: ++972 3640 9407 Cellular: ++972 547 459 608