Hi Mary, there was almost exactly the same question on phenixbb a couple of days ago. Try doing it differently and see what happens: step 1: remove ligand from PDB file phenix.pdbtools model.pdb remove="chain X and resseq 123" or set its occupancy to 0 (which is not 100% equivalent but close): phenix.pdbtools model.pdb occupancy.set=0 selection="chain X and resseq 123" step 2: run SA refinement using phenix.refine: phenix.refine model.pdb data.mtz model_no_ligand.pdb simulated_annealing=true step 3: load a map created by above run into Coot: how different it is from the map that you get from phenix.autobuild run? Pavel. PS1.: I will add a test that will assert that both ways (the above one and using phenix.autobuild) give similar results. PS2.: You probably meant mFo-DFc map or 2mFo-DFc (and not 2Fo)? On 6/3/11 7:21 AM, Desi Mail wrote:
Hi everybody,
I would like to calculate the omit map around the ligand. I followed the documentation http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/autobuild.htm#anch159
But the 2Fo density around the ligand is very poor.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Mary
Make a SA-omit map around atoms in target.pdb
phenix.autobuild data=data.mtz model=coords.pdb omit_box_pdb=target.pdb composite_omit_type=sa_omit Coefficients for the output omit map will be in the file resolve_composite_map.mtz in the subdirectory OMIT/ . An additional map coefficients file omit_region.mtz will show you the region that has been omitted. (Note: be sure to use the weights in both resolve_composite_map.mtz and omit_region.mtz).
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