[ dev-837 ] I am trying to understand a symmetry operation from coot as it bears on phenix bond in the geometry restraints. in essence: in coot, origin-pre-shift is (-1 0 0) and the symmetry-related atom I want is Y,X,-Z + (0 1 1) however, the correct operation in phenix is Y,X,-Z+1 ... I suspect I simply do not understand the transformation. if i could at least confirm this math is correct, i'd appreciate it. -Bryan supplemental: * SG92 * apparently correct because the geometry checks fail otherwise * the scenario is similar to the thread linked below: http://www.phenix-online.org/pipermail/phenixbb/2010-April/015000.html * essentially a crosspost by me on coot the other day : https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=COOT;e45be09a.1108 * coot 0.6.2 rev-3562