Deal All, After I tried 9 runs of AutoSol from my MAD data by changing parameters (resolution, heavy atom numbers), I got 9 results, named as: AutoSol_run_1_ to AutoSol_run_9_. I found #9 and #7 have the lowest Rfree, so I want to pick the model from these two runs. However, when I use "phenix.autobuild after_autosol", the resulting AutoBuild files tell me that the program picked the result from #5 of AutoSol, not the lastest #9. Does anyone know how can I specify the exact number of AutoSol to run autobuild? I also tried this command "phenix.autobuild data=resolve_3.mtz model=overall_best.pdb seq_file=zntb-sd.seq"under the directory of AutoSol_run_9_, but failed with the following word: ******************************************************************************** Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle: Initial phenix refinement of AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/NO_LIG_NO_WAT_overall_best_edited.pdb with exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz failed...quitting... See AutoBuild_run_2_/LAST.LOG for more information Please resolve the R-free flags mismatch. ******************************************************************************** Does anyone know where is wrong? Qun Wan Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106 email: [email protected] lab phone: 216-368-3337