13 Dec
13 Dec
3:07 a.m.
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM, intekhab alam
i want to make one clarification here that clashes appear when i used the mtz file generated by CCP4 along with the MR solution from Phaser in Refmac 5. Refinemnet is fine in Phenix with R and Rfree of 25/30.
Sorry, I'm not sure what would cause the clashes - hopefully someone on ccp4bb will have an answer. (It could simply be a result of the X-ray/geometry weighting not being correct - a sure sign of this, regardless of program used, is excessively high RMS(bonds) and RMS(angles).) I'm glad Phenix is working though!
i am using Phenix
FYI, you should update to 1.7.3 - the geometry may be significantly improved at this resolution. -Nat