Dear PhenixBB, Is there place to set the I/SIGMA_I or FOBS/SIGMA_FOBS values in phenix.refine? I found the default FOBS/SIGMA_FOBS threshold in phenix.refine is 1.35, which means any reflection lower than 1.35 will be excluded in the refinement process. This will generally result in a lower completeness range especially for the relatively weak datasets. When I uses the xray_data.remove_outliers=False, I got the error message "Sorry: Unknown command line parameter definition: remove_outliers = False", and my PHENIX version is phenix-1.12-2829, thanks. Regards Jianxun ******************************************************************* Dr. Jianxun Qi A321, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences No.1 West Beichen Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100101, China Email: [email protected] Tel : 86-10-64806182 *******************************************************************