Coot has a feature called "find un-modeled blobs" to do this interactively, but it won't suggest what could go in the blobs so you still have to figure it out from all things present in your buffer.
I don't know if phenix has a program for this.
I hope this helps,
From: [email protected] on behalf of Dmitry Semchonok
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 7:34:50 PM
To: Phenix email list
Subject: [phenixbb] unassigned densities
Dear colleagues,
Is there a way to assign cryo-EM densities not included in the model sequence?
Do you have any tools that can help?
More closely, is there a way to screen the cryo-EM map + model, point out the unassigned densities, and provide the possible structures to fit in (e.g., water molecules, etc.)?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
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