Hello all, I've finished refining a handful of related structures, but now I need to renumber the residues to reflect the fact that I’m working with a truncated construct (like a dope I didn’t do this at the outset). However, when I run PDB Tools, it does not write the refinement information into the output CIF. Is there a way to get around this, other than re-running the final cycle of refinement with the renumbered coordinates (or entering the refinement info by hand? This would be easy in the PDB format, but not so much in mmCIF). Cheers, Pat __________________________________ Patrick J. Loll, PhD (he, him, his) Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Drexel University College of Medicine Room 10-102 New College Building 245 N. 15th St. Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192 USA (267) 359-2653 [email protected]