Dear colleagues,
I am refining one structure at 1.94 A with phenix.refine with individual b, TLS, and xyz. The Rwork and Rfree are now at 16.1 and 19.8%. But when inspecting the maps, I noticed that the sidechain tip of some residues showed positive density
and the b-factor for those atoms were very high while those for the other atoms of the same residues were normal; The b-factors for newly added ligands were also not refined well showing high b-value and positive density at the same time; the disulfide bonds
also show positive density and high B. The occupancy were all set to 1.
Please give suggestions. Thanks!
Best regards,
Tongqing Zhou, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Structural Biology Section
Vaccine Research Center, NIAID/NIH
Building 40, Room 4609B
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Bethesda, MD 20892
(301) 594-8710 (Tel)
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