Hi Pramod,
Hi all I am new user of the phenix. I am using autosol for the SAD data of the 3.5 Ang of resolution data of spacegroup P42212. After running autosol with all inputs , during Hyss autosol is not able to move forard with display of followimg information:
Top solution : # 2 Dataset #1 score: -1000 Fom: 0.19 sites:1
Failed to carry out Autosol_score_ha_solutions: list index out of range STEP: Autosol_score_ha_solutions
I'm sorry about this problem. I haven't seen it before, and I would like to track it down. I assume you are using version 1.24.1b, is that correct? If you would like to send me the data for this (as a .tar or .tgz file, renamed to ".txt") I will try it out on my computer. All the best, Tom T Thomas C. Terwilliger Mail Stop M888 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 Tel: 505-667-0072 email: [email protected] Fax: 505-665-3024 SOLVE web site: http://solve.lanl.gov PHENIX web site: http:www.phenix-online.org ISFI Integrated Center for Structure and Function Innovation web site: http://techcenter.mbi.ucla.edu TB Structural Genomics Consortium web site: http://www.tbgenomics.org