Hi Leonid, phenix.refine does anisotropic scaling as described here: A robust bulk-solvent correction and anisotropic scaling procedure. P. V. Afonine, R. W. Grosse-Kunstleve and P. D. Adams Acta Cryst. D61, 850-855 (2005). I would be interested to revisit this problem at some point: could you please send me (to my email): data before and after anisotropy correction, and best current model so I can see effect on the maps. I can't promise to do anything right now, but I'm collecting the cases so I have a handful of examples the moment when I'm ready to work on it. Thanks! Pavel. On 5/4/10 7:08 AM, Leonid Sazanov wrote:
Hi, with highly anisotropic data we use Mark Sawaya's anistropy correction server, which works very well for electron density calculations. For refinement, we would like to use original data, but still cut to different limits over a,b,c (like 3.9 3.4 3.2 A, for example). Is there any facility for that in Phenix, and if not, can it be implemented? I know anisotropic scaling itself is done in Phaser, but would be useful also to have a possibility to cut resolution limits differently in any mtz file.