Dear All, Bujnicki Lab (Laboratory if Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering, located in the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw) is looking for an experienced (post-doc level) crystallographer/structural biologist, with an interest in combining various experimental and computational methods for structure determination of RNAs and RNA-protein complexes. Our group is involved in theoretical and experimental research on nucleic acids and proteins. The current focus is on RNA sequence-structure-function relationships (in particular 3D modeling), RNA-protein complexes, and enzymes acting on RNA. The Institute have in-house crystallographic and computing facilities and is located in the Ochota campus, surrounded by Polish Academy of Science's institutes and University of Warsaw's departments of biology/chemistry/physics/medicine/mathematics interests. Please find the full job offer in the attachment, as well as in the link below. The deadline is on 15th of June 2018. http://genesilico.pl/employment/#5 The webpage of our group can be found here; http://genesilico.pl/ as well as more information about the Institute: https://www.iimcb.gov.pl/en/ For more information and questions, please contact this address: Bujnicki, Janusz: [email protected] Kind regards, Błażej Bagiński