Thanks Ben and sorry for the misunderstanding. In fact, I thought that the new GUIs were still going through X11... Yep, it works with remote desktop, but this way we are limited to a single user at a time... Thanks a lot! Miguel Le 24 juil. 09 à 17:04, Ben Eisenbraun a écrit :
Hi Miguel,
Although you referenced my earlier post, we may not be talking about the same situation. In our case, the installation is on an NFS volume, but the software runs on the local machine.
We would like to run the new phenix GUIs from a remote computer. Both server and clients are OSX 10.5 (leopard) and they have the same versions of software (X11, python, phenix... all them pretty new versions) When trying to do so, we invariably get this error:
This sounds like you want to X-foward the PHENIX GUI from the server to the client, which won't work, because the phenix2 GUI is not X11-based. Cocoa applications can't be forwarded over the network, although you can use something like Apple Remote Desktop to control the application on the server.
My question is: was this issue solved and I missed that? If not, anyone has a clue on how to solve the problem?
Our issue was resolved with the next release. I didn't dig too deeply trying to figure out what the problem was. My dim recollection is that Paul mentioned they were updating to a new wxPython for that update, and I suspect that was the fix.
-- | Ben Eisenbraun | Software Maintainer | | Structural Biology Grid | http:// sbgrid.org | | Harvard Medical School | http:// hms.harvard.edu |
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-- Miguel Ortiz Lombardía Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR6098) CNRS, Universités d'Aix-Marseille I & II Case 932 163 Avenue de Luminy 13288 Marseille cedex 9 France Tel : +33(0) 491 82 55 93 Fax: +33(0) 491 26 67 20 e-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.pangea.org/mol/spip.php?rubrique2