IUCr Crystallographic Computing School 2008 * Sharing our knowledge * Kyoto, Japan, August 18-23 http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/comm/ccom/kyoto2008/program.html The IUCr Crystallographic Computing School 2008 school aims to bring together both computational methods developers and users interested in looking beyond the interface. The format of the school fosters exchange of ideas via formal lectures, afternoon tutorials, coding challenges and code comparison sessions. The world-wide crystallographic community (including macro- and small-molecule crystallography, powder diffraction, and small-angle scattering) is invited to an intensive session of working together and learning from each other. The schedule of the program is available via the web link above. Abstracts are being added. Thanks to support from sponsors, we have been able to keep the registration cost (including accommodation and meals) below 70,000 YEN (ca. 430 EUR, 665 USD). The number of attendees is limited to 80 students. For more information visit the web site above. The registration deadline is July 25th, 2008. Organizing committee: A. L. Spek (Utrecht University , Netherlands) R. Grosse-Kunstleve (LBNL, USA) M. Yao (Hokkaido University, Japan) A. Nakagawa (Osaka Institute of Protein, Japan) H. Powell (MRC, UK) L. Cranswick (NRC , Canada)