Dear Phaser users, I recently tried to solve two difficult MR jobs by using ensembles in PHASER. With ENSEMBLES in this case I mean aligned structures prepared for PHASER by Phenix.ENSEMBLER. In both case I got solution with rather high TFZ-score (> 8), which I couldn't get wit individual structure, but was not able to refine them. My question is, whether using ensembles would increase the Z-Score without really improving phases. In other words, if there is another cut-off for the "Phaser solved it" Z-score, when using ensemble in contrast to single structures... Regards, Jan -- Dr. Jan Gebauer AG Prof. Baumann Institut für Biochemie / Uni-Köln Otto-Fischer-Str. 12-14 / 50674 Köln Fon: +49 (221) 470 3212 Fax: +49 (221) 470 5066 http://px.uni-koeln.de/