Hi All, I'm clearly doing something wrong, but don't know what. Trying to run elbow with Gamess from the command line for "myligand" but no .cif file is produced. The input is a pdb file of the ligand, this the best I have. The command line: phenix.elbow --all-residues --do-all --gamess --basis=3D"3-21G" myligand.pdb > elbow.out & Everything seems to be OK, Gamess is found and run:
more elbow.out
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ electronic Ligand Builder & Optimisation Workbench (eLBOW) 1.10.1-2155 None - Nigel W. Moriarty ([email protected]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Random number seed: 3628800 Initial processing time : 0.01 seconds 0:00 Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing P Input format is PDB MoleculeClass : C:15 O: 6 Cr: 1 (PDB format) 22 atoms 0 bonds 0 angles 0 dihedrals 0 rings 0 chirals Predicted memory usage by semi-empirical method : 41Mb Timing estimates Python portion / ATP : 62% c++ optimisation cycle / ATP : 47% Hydrogens may be required to determine the correct bonding Residue has metal at the centre of a coordination sphere. Using input geometry to generate restraints. Hydrogens may not be added. 0:10 Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise H 1:49 ReCentre molecule for optimisation ReCentre molecule for optimisation ReC Optimisation software : GAMESS Quantum method : UHF Quantum basis set : 3-21G Opt steps : 60 Opt macro steps : 3 Searching for flowchart file: flowchart.py searching: /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155/modules/elbow ****************************************************************************** filename : /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155/modules/elbow/flowchart.py FOUND ****************************************************************************** searching: /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155 searching: /home/dyda/.elbow searching: /home/dyda searching: /spin1/users/dyda/myligand Machine has 24018 Mb total memory 14687 Mb free memory Setting 1000 Mb max memory usage Searching for template run file: GAMESS.csh searching: /spin1/users/dyda/myligand ****************************************************************************** filename : /spin1/users/dyda/myligand/GAMESS.csh FOUND ****************************************************************************** Using /spin1/users/dyda/myligand/GAMESS.csh as input run file template all .inp, .dat, .gam files are produced, no errors, but no cif file. Thanks. Fred [32m******************************************************************************* Fred Dyda, Ph.D. Phone:301-402-4496 Laboratory of Molecular Biology Fax: 301-496-0201 DHHS/NIH/NIDDK e-mail:[email protected] Bldg. 5. Room 303 Bethesda, MD 20892-0560 URGENT message e-mail: [email protected] Google maps coords: 39.000597, -77.102102 http://www2.niddk.nih.gov/NIDDKLabs/IntramuralFaculty/DydaFred *******************************************************************************[m