Hello John,
I have seen exactly this problem after running phenix.validate . Not only
does the GUI freeze , but it seems to take the windowing system down with
it. The window manager gets unresponsive. Remote shelling into the system
was possible , but there was no active python process that I could kill to
get control back. In the end I had to restart-X to log back in loosing what
I was doing in other windows.
I have seen this at-least 2 or 3 times on two 64 bit ubuntu hardy running
machines with phenix 1.6.289. Both boxes have 4 to 8 cores and 8 to 16 GB of
On mac OSX running 10.6.2 , on a core duo , so probably everything is
running in 32 bit mode . Things are relatively very stable. Other than a few
times where phenix said it was launching coot and just sat there, I have
been using it without incident, so much so I have switched to using my slow
laptop because of something I thought was wrong at my end.
Looking forward to troubleshooting instructions . Thanks
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 7:28 AM, John Berrisford
Dear All
A little while ago I posted a message about the GUI freezing on linux systems, either run remotely (centos) or locally (ubuntu system). I never received a solution and I'm still having this problem despite upgrading to version 1.6.
On my ubuntu system the GUI seems to freeze either when the screen saver comes on (set to turn the screen off) or I switch desktop - although not everytime I do this. The freezing GUI means that I have to force quit phenix after every refinement run (I haven't tried other tasks) and that the freeR is not reported to the GUI (not a major problem). Thankfully in version 1.6 the configuration and results for each refinement run are recorded and I can retrieve this information by loading a job through job history - a big improvement over version 1.5.
Anyone else having this problem and does anyone know a solution?
-- John Berrisford
Medical Research Council Mitochondrial Biology Unit Wellcome Trust / MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY WEB: www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk TEL: +44 (01223) 252918
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