Hi, I am having problems convincing the GUI which EM map is which for halfmap validation. Version is 1.17-3644 Here is input: [cid:[email protected]] and what is written to Summary tab: [cid:[email protected]] Any tricks to getting this to work? Editing the .eff file written by the gui is an option but running phenix.validation_cryoem on the command line doesn't seem to produce much viewable output. Cheers, Ashley -- Dr. Ashley Pike Membrane Protein Crystallography | Structural Genomics Consortium | University of Oxford Phone: +44 (0)1865 617576 | FAX: +44 (0)1865 617575 | [email protected]mailto:[email protected] | www.thesgc.orghttp://www.thesgc.org/ Address: Structural Genomics Consortium, Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington, Oxford OX3 7DQ, UK