Hello all,
the documentation states thatThis is somewhat controversial, but absolute upper limits for a well-refined protein structure at high resolution are typically 0.02 for RMS(bonds) and 2.0 for RMS(angles); usually they will be significantly lower.
I understand that exceedingly high RMSDs from ideal could indicate overfitting.
On the other hand, local deviations from ideal geometry may point to correctable modeling errors, and I am concerned that overly tight restraints may cause that diagnostic tool to become less sensitive, or local errors to be spread in to the model.
See Jaskolski et al., 2007; Wlodawer et al., 2008; Stec, 2007; Tickle, 2007; Karplus et al., 2008 and references inside.For what bond and angle rms deviations from ideal do my colleagues on the BB aim and how have they arrived at those targets?