
I'm refining a 2.88 Angstrom structure and am getting a difference of greater than 6% between the R-work and R-free.  The best result (I think) is what I have from minimization alone:

Start R-work = 0.3219, R-free = 0.3505 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale)

Final R-work = 0.2424, R-free = 0.3174 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale)

Start R-work = 0.3220, R-free = 0.3500

Final R-work = 0.2411, R-free = 0.3176

The results from simulated annealing are the following:

Start R-work = 0.3219, R-free = 0.3505 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale)

Final R-work = 0.2454, R-free = 0.3322 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale)

Start R-work = 0.3220, R-free = 0.3500

Final R-work = 0.2403, R-free = 0.3333

I have also done the refinement with ncs but ncs is probably not appropriate for my structure.  The final R-free ends up being higher (though the difference between R-free and R-work ends up being 6-7%)

My PI (who is on vacation until next week) said that it was a problem if R-work was more than 0.06 lower than R-free.  Any recommendations for me?  Is it possible to reduce this difference?  Is it worth it to rebuild the refined pdb if the R-work is this different from the R-free?

My refinement script is:

phenix.refine ss46_p3_cv.mtz ss46_rebuilt.pdb \
        output.prefix=results/ss46_rebuilt_sa \
    strategy=individual_sites+group_adp cif_link.params nag-nag.cif \
        twin_law="h,-h-k,-l" \

(the cif_link.params and nag-nag.cif files are made to handle the N-glycosylation sites, I think).

Thanks for your help!