Dear Developers, I have a molecular replacement solution with a model that has 58 seq identity to my protein. There is 1 insertion in my protein of 1 residue and 1 deletion of 4 residues compared to the model. There are 2 mols in the asym unit. When I run autobuild with standard settings (but either Auto or Yes for the rebuild in place) it falls over with this error. **************************************** AutoBuild Input failed Sorry, the PDB file and sequence file could not be aligned (with no gaps and >50.0% identity) Please restart the wizard... You have several possibilities to try .... You can set rebuild_in_place=No You can set input_sequence_file=None You can edit your model to make sure it has no residues extending N-terminal of the beginning of the corresponding sequences in your sequence file You can set min_seq_identity_percent to a lower value You can set highest_resno to a higher value You can specify start_chains_list if your PDB file sequence starts with a residue number greater than the number of residues in the sequence. **************************************** It runs with rebuild_in_place=No but given the low resolution of the data (3.5A) I thought it would be best to keep as much of the model as possible. What am I doing wrong. Thanks Jon -- Dr. Jonathan M. Grimes, University Research Lecturer Division of Structural Biology Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics University of Oxford Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK Email: [email protected], Web: www.strubi.ox.ac.uk Tel: (+44) - 1865 - 287561, FAX: (+44) - 1865 - 287547