Hi all, I am currently recruiting for 1 fully-funded PhD and 2 postdoc positions within my new research group at Linköping University in Sweden. Because this is an international board: the PhD position is a 4-year employed position with salary, healthcare coverage, pension, other employment benefits, etc. The starting salary for PhD researchers is 30 500 SEK/month (in 2022). The postdoc positions are initially for 2 years, and salaries for postdocs are negotiated on an individual basis. PhD Student in Structural Bioinformatics (Macromolecular Flexibility & Dynamics) I am looking for a PhD student to develop machine learning and data-science approaches to characterise heterogeneous/disordered regions of crystallographic structures from multi-dataset experiments (fragment screening/multi-temperature/time-resolved experiments), in order to study flexibility and dynamics of these systems. If you have a background in machine learning approaches, and are interested in applying these approaches to biological data, or a background in (computational) structural biology, and looking to further develop your data-science/programming skills, please get in touch! Read more and apply here: https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=20567&rmlang=UK Postdoctoral Researchers in Structural Bioinformatics (Macromolecular Flexibility & Dynamics) I am also looking for two postdoctoral researchers to 1) develop and deploy methods for quantifying and analysing flexibility in macromolecular structures using machine learning approaches, and 2) develop new modelling and refinement protocols for structures from multi-dataset experiments (fragment screening/multi-temperature/time-resolved experiments) that enable visualisation and quantitative analysis of weak features in multi-dataset macromolecular structural data. Once more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about the positions! Read more and apply here: Position 1: https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=20513&rmlang=UK Position 2: https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=20539&rmlang=UK About the research group In the Data-Driven Determination of Macromolecular Structures (d3ms) group at Linköping University, we develop data-driven methodologies for determining and analysing macromolecular structures, focussing on structural disorder and dynamics in the context of biomedical applications. One of our primary focuses is the development of multi-dataset and integrative approaches which take advantage of ever-increasing data-collection capacities in both crystallographic and cryoEM experiments. This subject area means we use a variety of statistical, data science & machine learning approaches. The group website can be found here: macromolecular.github.iohttps://macromolecular.github.io/ We are based in the bioinformatics division within the department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University. Our research group is part of the Data-Driven Life Sciences (DDLS) program and the SciLifeLab national network, providing access to national computational resources, expertise and training opportunities. The location of the Swedish national supercomputer centre on the Linköping university campus provides additional access to computational resources. The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is a 12-year initiative funded with a total of 3,1 billion SEK (~300M€) from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in life science in Sweden. The program is coordinated by SciLifeLab, a nationwide research infrastructure and a hub for cross-disciplinary life sciences. The DDLS program promotes collaborative interdisciplinary work and engagement with industry, healthcare and other national and international partners, such as WASP, with the aim of bridging the life science and data science communities. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think might be interested in the position, Thanks, Nick Nicholas (Nick) Pearce | Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics SciLifeLab Data-Driven Life Sciences (DDLS) Fellow Linköping University, Sweden [email protected]mailto:[email protected] | macromolecular.sciencehttp://www.macromolecular.science/ or macromolecular.github.iohttps://macromolecular.github.io/