Hi, recently i used phenix (AutoSol and AutoBuild) on a SAD dataset containing Iodine. I was wanting to do my refinement using Refmac instead of phenix.refine. I was wondering where would i be able to locate the correct .mtz file to input into Refmac5 for rounds of refinement? I was under the impression the .mtz file used for refinement was the one produced after scaling, but im not sure where phenix puts this. Also I was wondering if anyone had any issues with phenix.xtriage carrying out its Matthews coefficient calculation? When using Phenix, it gave me a solution with 3 mols/AU, despite there being 4 mols/AU according to the Matthews coeffiecient calculation in CCP4. Looking back at the xtriage log in autosol it has n_residues= 200 (despite me not specifying anywhere the number of residues, my protein has 147 residues). Realising this I re-ran Autosol, inputting my .mtz file along with my sequence this time, and specifying the number of NCS copies as 4. Looking at the phenix.xtriage log this time results in it recognising the correct number of residues, however the matthews coefficient calculation is still incorrect, claiming 1 mol/Au. Any ideas what may be the problem? ##-------------------------------------------## ## Unit cell defined manually, will ignore ## specification in reflection file: ## From file : None ## From input: (140.124, 77.954, 54.519, 90, 98.549, 90) ##-------------------------------------------## ##-------------------------------------------## ## Space group defined manually, will ignore ## specification in reflection file: ## From file : C 1 2 1 ## From input: C 1 2 1 ##-------------------------------------------## Effective parameters: #phil __ON__ scaling { input { asu_contents { n_residues = 588 n_bases = None n_copies_per_asu = 4 } Matthews coefficient and Solvent content statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Copies | Solvent content | Matthews Coef. | P(solvent cont.) | |--------|-----------------|----------------|------------------| | 1 | 0.448 | 2.226 | 1.000 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Best guess : 1 copies in the asu | ----------------------------------------------------------------