Hello all, I was wondering if somewhere, either on the web or in hardcopy, there is an exhaustive or nearly exhaustive list of Phenix commands. For example, from a Phenix BB thread earlier in the day I learned of the existence of the phenix.r_factor_statistics command for gaining insight into where your R/Rfree values place you in regard to structures of similar resolution. As I read more of the messages posted to the Phenix BB, I become aware of more and more nifty things that Phenix can do that I simply was not aware of, and I was wondering if some kind of master list of Phenix commands is available somewhere. Thanks to all the developers for making this amazing program available to the x-ray community. Thanks, Matthew --- Matthew J. Whitley, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Angela Gronenborn Lab Department of Structural Biology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine