Hi Ravi, to get a plain text list of map CC computed per residue or per each atom you can use one of these two command line tools: phenix.model_vs_data model.pdb data.hkl or (if you want to have more options and flexibility), type: phenix.real_space_correlation hit Enter, and then follow the instructions. Note, in both options, in addition to getting map CC you will also get 2mFo-DFc and mFo-DFc printed for each atom or residue. These are very useful map quality measures that are complimentary to map CC. Example: sometime even a very weak density, say at sigma 0.1, can produce a high map CC, and if you just look at map CC you will miss it. So, I believe it is useful to look at triplets (CC, 2mFo-DFc, mFo-DFc) for each atom or residue, and this is what the above tools give you. Of course, you get it from GUI as well. Pavel. On 1/4/10 10:46 AM, Ravindra D. Makde wrote:
Hi all,
I will greatly appreciate the answers to following query:
How can I get the text or excel output of the model quality and validation report of a model after phenix refinement? I am specially interested in real space CC of the various residues. I am using phenix.refine_gui at phenix-1.4-162. I have searched all output files, but couldn't find.
Thanks in advance.