We have two Jobs advertised at the University of Kent that may be of interest to structural biologists with expertise in macro molecular crystallography. https://jobs.kent.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=STM-032-19 The School of Biosciences has a long and continuing interest in structural biology with several groups exploiting NMR and Macromolecular Crystallography to study a wide range of problems. These include infection and drug resistance, cancer and age-related diseases, cellular architecture and dynamics and reproduction, evolution and genomics and industrial biotechnology. The School of Biosciences consistently has time as a BAG at Diamond and has recently invested in a new Mosquito LCP System with humidity control for crystallisation drop set up. Other facilities available for structural biologists include a well equipped Biomolecular Science Facility (electrospray and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers, peptide synthesisers, CD etc) an in house X-Ray source in the School of Physical Sciences (Rigaku Oxford Diffraction Supernova) and a dedicated Biological NMR Facility with BAG access at the UK national NMR facilities at the Crick and Birmingham. Applications close 23.59 hours BST 19th August. See Job Description for further details. regards gary ------------------------------------------- Dr Gary S Thompson School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, England, CT2 7NZ tel: 01227 82 7117 e-mail: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] orchid: orcid.org/0000-0001-9399-7636http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9399-7636 -------------------------------------------