On Dec 16, 2009, at 9:12 AM, anon wrote:
has anyone had any experience using phenix with refmac5? I seem to be having issues with the Rfree flag. Phenix sets aside 8.1% of the reflection for Rfree. However when i use refmac for refinement, it reports that its using 91.4% of the reflections for Rfree........?
I assume you let Phenix pick your R-free flags for you. CCP4 programs (almost?) always expect that the R-free flag is 0, even if that means that 90% of your reflections end up in the test set. You need to tell Refmac to use 1 instead - if you're using keyword input, this means FREE 1 If you download the latest nightly build, the reflection file editor GUI has an option "Convert R-free flags to CCP4 convention" (click the "R-free flags generation" button, and set user level to Advanced). This is a massive hack, and definitely a use-at-your-own-risk feature, so I recommend inspecting the file it outputs to make sure it does what you expect. (It will probably be sufficient to run phenix.model_vs_data - or the validation tools in the GUI - to confirm that the R-free is the same with both the input and output files, since model_vs_data will automatically detect the CCP4-style flags and switch to using 0.) If you run into problems, feel free to email me separately. -------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]