Hi, four questions on phenix.refine: 1) What's the reason for refining bss, xyz and adp in separate cycles? CNS does that too while refmac (I believe) refines them simultaneously. I suspect I missed something, but I thought the power of ML refinement is that no refinable parameters are held constant if they're not supposed to be. (At least, wasn't that the big deal in Sharp when it came out?) 2) How does one figure the right restraint weights? (wxc and wxc). In refmac, I've always calibrated the weight with rmsd(bonds), tightening it until rmsd(bonds) is ~0.018 (or below for lower reso); invariably this is where Rfree will decrease furthest and smoothly as well (i.e. without that silly rise at the end.) With phenix.refine I'm finding that I only get Rfree to drop monotonously when I tighten the weights (both wxc and wxu) so much that rmsd(bonds) goes down to ~0.002. Would there be a different way to do this? 3) There isn't currently torsional refinement, is there? For high-temperature simulated annealing, I mean. I'm having the same weight-adjustment question for SA, except is harder to fiddle with because jobs take so long, but with torsional that becomes moot. Or should one always put very tight weights on for SA? 4) Is there good documentation for all the loads and loads of keywords? The names themselves are just descriptive enough to be interesting, but obviously not enough to be informative if I don't just want the black box. Nice program, though, got to say... phx.