Hi, I'm testing Rosetta 3.2+PHENIX 1.7-650, and in the phenix.mr_rosetta output, I see: Checking rosetta paths: rosetta binary: /programs/l/rosetta/3.2/rosetta_source/bin/mr_protocols.default database_dir: /programs/l/rosetta/3.2/rosetta_database script_dir: /programs/l/rosetta/3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/public/electron_density pilot_script_dir: /programs/l/rosetta/3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/pilot/frank/ In the script directory, the C++ files were not built along with the regular Rosetta build. Do those need to be compiled for the target platform? Also, the pilot_script_dir is empty. Is there supposed to be something in there? Thanks. -ben -- | Ben Eisenbraun | SBGrid Consortium | http://sbgrid.org | | Harvard Medical School | http://hms.harvard.edu |