Dear Dr. Terwilliger,
Thanks for your reply. I divided my sequence into two and generated fragment
files. These fragment file from Robetta have position numbers (highlighted
in yellow) that I think are equivalent to the sequence number. For the
second fragment file, should these numbers be changed to reflect the correct
sequence number ? Or can the two fragments files be combined without
correcting the position numbers ?
Thanks again
position: 1 neighbors: 200
1uyr A 25 T L -80.516 147.500 177.258 -0.178 4.758 48.053 3
0.000 P 1 F 1
1uyr A 26 Y L -64.648 133.444 -172.949 -0.178 4.758 48.053 3
0.000 P 1 F 1
1uyr A 27 V H -51.521 -44.146 -175.896 -0.178 4.758 48.053 3
0.000 P 1 F 1
1jr7 A 150 T L -84.574 -18.428 -173.610 -0.326 4.504 48.213 4
0.000 P 1 F 2
1jr7 A 151 Y L -104.837 12.859 175.722 -0.326 4.504 48.213 4
0.000 P 1 F 2
1jr7 A 152 V L -128.310 164.018 -178.953 -0.326 4.504 48.213 4
0.000 P 1 F 2
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 15:19:06 -0600 (MDT)
From: "Thomas C. Terwilliger"
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to generate a fragment library for my sequence of interest to use with mr_rosetta. The Robetta server has a sequence limit of 650 amino acids. For longer sequence, will it make sense to divide the sequence into 650 amino acid fragments and generate multiple fragment files ? Thanks
Thanks _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 4:48 PM, riya doreen
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to generate a fragment library for my sequence of interest to use with mr_rosetta. The Robetta server has a sequence limit of 650 amino acids. For longer sequence, will it make sense to divide the sequence into 650 amino acid fragments and generate multiple fragment files ? Thanks