19 May
19 May
6:39 p.m.
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Christian Roth < [email protected]> wrote:
I got a error message in the last round of phenix.refine which seesm to be related to map or mtz file creation (error.txt attached). I used the GUI and I unchecked the map creation option in ccp4 or Xplor before I started the run. I am not sure whats going wrong here. Please could you point me to the problem.
This doesn't really solve the problem, but the part that's breaking is calculating the map coefficients, nothing to do with writing the FFT'd maps. Did you try also unchecking the box labeled "Write MTZ file with map coefficients for Coot"? It might at least finish the run without errors. -Nat