I checked my log file and didn't find "automatic adjustment".  My main target is mlhl.  However, the target function for rigid body is ls_wunit_k1.  I didn't choose that.  Is LS the default for rigid body?


Jianghai Zhu, Ph.D
CBR Institute for Biomedical Research
Department of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115
Ph: 617-278-3211
Fx: 618-278-3232

On Mar 25, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

You are right.  Somehow, the default target function in
refinement.bulk_solvent_and_scale is LS, not ML.

The default (phenix.refine --show-defaults=all) is actually ml.
However, if the main target is set to ls the bulk_solvent_and_scale
target is automatically reset to ls, too. There should be corresponding
messages in the log file ("automatic adjustment").
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