Hi Tom-
1. Just run solve by itself:
Does this load up? If you then say
does it end nicely?
Yes to both. [bene@schl4][/nfs/home/bene] phenix.solve binary=/programs/i386-linux/phenix/phenix-1.3b-x86_64/phenix-1.3b/build/intel-linux-2.6-x86_64/solve_resolve/exe/solve SOLVEDIR=/programs/i386-linux/phenix/phenix-1.3b-x86_64/phenix-1.3b/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files SYMOP=/programs/i386-linux/phenix/phenix-1.3b-x86_64/phenix-1.3b/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files/symop.lib SYMINFO=/programs/i386-linux/phenix/phenix-1.3b-x86_64/phenix-1.3b/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files/syminfo.lib CCP4_OPEN=UNKNOWN <snip> (version 2.13 of 24-Jun-2007 / Size = 6)
2. If that works, can you send me the output where SOLVE bombed in phenix. There should be a log file like: LAST.LOG in the working directory that should have error messages at the end. Alternatively, if you can send the very last log files written to the TEMP0 subdirectory of the working directory that would do it.
My user reports that the LAST.LOG is missing, and that there are no log files in the TEMP0 directory. Just .sca and .sym files.
3. If you can send me the whole logfile that would be great too.
Mailed directly. Thanks Tom. -b -- Ben Eisenbraun Structural Biology Grid http://sbgrid.org/