Hi Matthias, phenix.varref was designed to refine a series of models into a series of maps that are following each other, such as the ones coming from 3DVA (cryosparc) or multi-body refinement (Relion). It works for very large structures like the spliceosome (2.5 MDa, protein+DNA chains) so it should work for you large model too. It might be worth testing on your system. Varref only runs using the command line for now, and you may access it through the nightly builds. Dev-4933 is the latest update so anything stable after that will work. A doc is also accessible: https://phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/varref.html Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help. Best Vincent Le 30/09/2023 à 18:27, Vorländer,Matthias Kopano a écrit :
Hi everyone,
Apologies if this has been asked before, but I would like to know what are the recommended procedures to refine a model against many (>10) cryo-EM maps from local refinement? Some of the maps have substantial overlap between them, and I manually annotated which part of the model is best resolved in which map.
Very grateful for any suggestions,
Best wishes,
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-- Vincent Chaptal, PhD Director of GdR APPICOM Drug Resistance and Membrane Proteins Lab MMSB -UMR5086 7 passage du Vercors 69007 LYON FRANCE +33 4 37 65 29 01 http://www.appicom.cnrs.fr http://mmsb.cnrs.fr/en/