Thanks Oleg. I investigated some more and found a clue:
A few residues at the termini of the B and C chains in the input pdb file have UNK as the segid (column 73-75). The segids were introduced in autobuild. I had apparently noticed this and removed them in the .pdb when I finished refinement
a few months ago, because the final output pdb file has a later edit date than the rest of the output files. In the .cif files, all residues in those chains are labeled as ‘UNK’ in the auth_asym_id. Now three months later when making Table 1 using the .cif
file, I was surprised when phenix complained about ‘duplicate atoms’ in the cif file.
So now I guess the mystery to me is why phenix extends the UNK segid to the whole chain, and why phenix sees atoms with the same auth_asym_id (segid) but different label_asym_id (chain) as being duplicates. I’ll leave it to you to decide
if this is bug in the program or in the user, but still happy to share my files with you off-list if you like.
Best wishes