Dear All, I would have a question regarding the use of masks in Resolve in Phenix for density modification: Is it possible to output the NCS and/or solvent masks Resolve is using during the Autosol run (similar as the options from the stand alone Resolve version) such as: mask_as_mtz ncs_mask_file mask.mtz protein_mask_file What are the best criteria (other than the final maps of course) within the output from Phenix.resolve to judge if the NCS (and/or solvent) mask was chosen adequately? (NCS_overlap?) I am mostly concerned if the masks chosen do include some of the more peripheral parts of my protein molecule and do not flatten these regions. Secondly, it is possible within Phenix Autosol wizard to supply a pdb file (with dummy atoms) for the mask for Resolve to construct the NCS mask? i.e. similar to set mask_pdb file= dummyatom.pdb Regards, Florian ----------------------------------------------------------- Florian Schmitzberger Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Harvard Medical School 250 Longwood Avenue, SGM 130 Boston, MA 02115, US Tel: 001 617 432 5602