We wish to remind you about the upcoming Workshop:
Macromolecular Crystallography School "From data processing to structure refinement and beyond", to be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay).
Dates: April 6 - 16, 2015
Invited speakers and tutors:
Alejandro Buschiazzo, Montevideo, Uruguay Kay Diederichs, Konstanz, Germany Paul Emsley, Cambridge, UK Richard Garrat, São Carlos, Brazil Ronan Keegan, Oxford, UK Eugene Krissinel, Oxford, UK Victor Lamzin, Hamburg, Germany Andrey Lebedev, Oxford, UK Andrew Leslie, Cambridge, UK Garib Murshudov, Cambridge, UK Rob Nicholls, Cambridge, UK Randy Read, Cambridge, UK William Shepard, Paris, France Pavol Skubak, Leiden, the Netherlands Clemens Vonrhein, Cambridge, UK
This edition will count with an optional introductory day. A Scientific Satellite Symposium will take place during the course. Sponsored by the Insttitut Pasteur and the Institut Pasteur International Network, this symposium will gather top research scientists from the Pasteur Network, who will discuss about Structural Biology in the study of infectious diseases: Pedro Alzari and Michael Nilges (Inst Pasteur, Paris), Beatriz Guimaraes (Fiocruz, Parana) and Joo Hwan No (Inst Pasteur, Korea), together with several scientists from Inst Pasteur Montevideo.
Please find the program of the Workshop and Satellite Symposium, the application form and further contact information, at www.pasteur.edu.uy/mx2015 The site will be updated regularly, stay tuned.
We acknowledge the support from the Reseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP); the Collaborative Computational Project Nº4 (CCP4, UK) & Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr); and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.
Applicants: 24 students will be selected, aiming at advanced PhD, postdocs and young researchers. The Course will provide financial support covering registration fees, and for the case of those students coming from abroad, all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). Look in the www site for details on application procedures.
The application deadline is February 16, 2015. The results will be announced by March 6.