Hi to everyone, I've have a little problem running MR-Rosetta in Phenix. Some weeks ago, I tried to solve some data which didn't have very much identity with any PDB model using MR-Rosseta. The program started running but after a few hours it stopped suddenly. To check if the problem was that it was not possible to solve my data because they were very complicated or if something was going wrong with MR-Rosetta, I decided to run it using model data. I runned it using the mtz of a protein we had already solved in the lab, its sequence, and its own PDB file, generated after solving it. After 10 minutes, the program stops when it's starting the rebuild step. I think the program shouldn't have any problem to solve this data, since the model used for molecular replacement is exactly the same protein in the mtz, so I wonder if i'm doing something wrong. If someone could gave me any idea which helped me to solve the problem i would be very grateful. I attatch a snapshot of the error. Thank you in advance, Regards, Marta