Dear Phenix-developers, I've noticed a slightly annoying "feature" when using a reference model to help in refinement of low-resolution structures. phenix.refine seems to take it's crystal parameters and space-group from whichever PDB was loaded last, even after setting one PDB as the "reference model" and the other as the "Input model". When running phenix.refine it gives you a nice error message telling you that the space group information is incorrect, and that you may have used the reference model's parameters by mistakeā¦ But surely, it should just (by default) only take (check?) the cell parameters and space group information from the "Input PDB"? With thanks, Tony. --- Dr Antony W Oliver Senior Research Fellow CR-UK DNA Repair Enzymes Group Genome Damage and Stability Centre Science Park Road University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RQ email: [email protected] tel (office): +44 (0)1273 678349 tel (lab): +44 (0)1273 677512