Dear All, for a recent dataset, I would like to try MR-Rosetta, as normal MR didn't work (not surprising perhaps, as the closest model is from NMR and with only about 20% sequence identity). Even though I don't think there is much chance of success, I would like to try MR-Rosetta anyway, although without having to install Rosetta if possible. Is there a server that would take care of the whole process? I.e. take the input mtz and the hopefully homologous structure supplied by me, and run Rosetta followed by MR in Phenix? In its defect, is there an online server that does the Rosetta part of MR-Rosetta, that would give a Rosetta-improved output model for putting into MR by Phenix, which I already have installed? Some side-ways related questions: - is it feasible to install Rosetta under MacOSX for a not very computer-literate user? - Phenix seems to slow down my MacPro a lot, even if I use just one of the 8 processors - is 4 Gb of RAM too little? Sorry for the rather rambling mail... Greetings, Mark Mark J van Raaij Lab 20B Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC c/Darwin 3 E-28049 Madrid, Spain tel. (+34) 91 585 4616 http://www.cnb.csic.es/~mjvanraaij