Hi Colleagues!
I hope you can come to our symposium on Understanding Biology through Structure in Santa Fe this May 13-17!
The Symposium will emphasize interactions between junior and senior researchers. We hope that this will present
a special opportunity for junior researchers to present posters and meet senior scientists, for senior researchers to meet the next generation of structural biologists, and for all to discuss science in an informal setting.
You can see the full program at https://conferences.newmexicoconsortium.org/conferences/ubts_17/program
Understanding Biology through Structure
Santa Fe, NM May 13-17 2017
Nucleic acid and protein-nucleic acid complexes
Jamie Cate, University of California, Berkeley
Eva Nogales, University of California, Berkeley
Jody Puglisi, Stanford University
Leemor Joshua-Tor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Tom Steitz, Yale University
Shigeyuki Yokoyama, RIKEN
Structural Biology of Cell Signaling
Axel Brunger, Stanford University
Sharon Campbell, University of North Carolina
Yvonne Jones, Oxford University
Dorothee Kern, Brandeis University
Cynthia Wolberger, Johns Hopkins University
Hao Wu, Harvard University
Disease and Drug Discovery
Lesa Beamer, University of Missouri
Tom Blundell, University of Cambridge
Elizabeth Goldsmith, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Lynn Howell, University of Toronto
Michael Rossmann, Purdue University
Erica Ollmann Saphire, Scripps Institute
Natalie Strynadka, University of British Columbia
Ian Wilson, Scripps Institute
Crystallographic Methods
Wladek Minor, University of Virginia
Randy Read, University of Cambridge
Jane Richardson, Duke University
Tom Terwilliger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Isabel Uson, Institute of Molecular Biology, Barcelona
Nadia Zatsepin, University of Arizona
Membrane Protein Structures
Susan Buchanon, National Institutes of Health
Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University
Robert Stroud, University of California, San Francisco
Nieng Yan, Tsinghua University
Protein folding and Design
David Baker, University of Washington
Ken Dill, Stony Brook University
David Eisenberg, University of California, Los Angeles
Susan Marqusee, University of California, Berkeley
Tobin Sosnick, University of Chicago
Understanding Enzyme Function
Catherine Drennan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andrzej Joachimiak, Argonne National Laboratory
Ci Ji Lim, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ilme Schlichting, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
All the best,
Tom T