Hi Georg, here is a simple example in Python using CCTBX. Works for all known space groups, any unit cell (compatible with the space group), any resolution. To run cctbx.python run.py and it outputs Unit cell: (10, 20, 30, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19) Resolution range: (10.0, 2.0123354127166126) Number of reflections: 756 It can be simplified/generalized in many ways as desired! With some basic knowledge of GUI programming, I guess it can be easily turned into something friendly for non-command line users. Also have a look here: http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx/ Lot's of different stuff to explore crystallography. Pavel On 4/13/20 14:08, Georg Mlynek wrote:
Dear Scientific community, I am looking for an app which can calculate the number of reflections for a given unit cell, spacegroup, resolution.
Preferred would be a graphical output too. The program XRayView http://www.phillipslab.org/downloads
comes very close what I imagine but it is not possible to select a spacegroup.
It would like to use it for teaching parts of practical part during lockdown.
Many thanks, br Georg.
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