By the way, what distribution/version of Linux are you using, and do you know if the SE Linux extensions were deliberately turned on or if this was the default? I'd like to add a check for this in the installer so we can warn users - I don't think any of our machines here are set up that way, but we've had several reports of similar problems and it's a relatively obscure error. thanks, Nat On Dec 22, 2009, at 5:03 PM, Zheng Zhou wrote:
Dear all
I installed phenix nightly builds, dev-256. I have solved structures using molecular replacement. Phenix.refine runs smoothly. Thanks for your great work.
When I run some test data using autosol, I met the following error message:
******************************************************************************** Failed to carry out AutoSol_scale_and_analyze_mad:
None of the solve versions worked See overall log file and also solve log file (in AutoSol_run_1_/LAST.LOG) ********************************************************************************
The LAST.LOG appears to be empty. I also run the phenix.solve command. Here is the output:
********************************************************************************************* $ phenix.solve binary=/usr/local/phenix-dev-254/build/intel-linux-2.6/solve_resolve/exe/solve SOLVEDIR=/usr/local/phenix-dev-254/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files SYMOP=/usr/local/phenix-dev-254/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files/symop.lib SYMINFO=/usr/local/phenix-dev-254/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files/syminfo.lib CCP4_OPEN=UNKNOWN SOLVE_RESOLVE_MALLOC_MAX=7.48024e+09
/usr/local/phenix-dev-254/build/intel-linux-2.6/solve_resolve/exe/solve: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/phenix-dev-254/build/intel-linux-2.6/lib/libimf.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied *****************************************************************************************************
The libimf.so file is there. I run phenix.solve as superuser, but I still have the same problem.
Thanks for your help.
Joe _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
-------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]