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Kerff Fred <fkerff@ulg.ac.be>Date: 2015-02-06 11:58 GMT+01:00
Subject: [ccp4bb] Absence of contact between layers in a crystal
Looking at structure 2HR0 ("The structure of complement C3b provides insights into complement activation and regulation. »,Abdul Ajees, A., Gunasekaran, K., Volanakis, J.E., Narayana, S.V., Kotwal, G.J., Krishna Murthy, H.M.; (2006) Nature 444: 221-225), I noticed the absence of contacts between layers in the crystal. Is it something that has already been observed in other crystals?
Best regards,
Frédéric Kerff
Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS
Cristallographie des protéines
Centre d'Ingénierie des Protéines
Université de Liège
17, Allée du 6 Août - Bat B5a
4000 Liège (Belgium)
Tel.: +32 (0)4 3663620
Fax: +32 (0)4 3663772
> Le 6 févr. 2015 à 10:12, Tim Gruene <
tg@SHELX.UNI-AC.GWDG.DE> a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear Smith,
> The sca file most likely does not contain flags. pointless can read
> the sca file, standardise it to ccp4 standards and freerflag marks
> random reflections. You should use the maximum of 500 unique
> reflections or 5% of the unique reflections, whichever is larger.
> Best,
> Tim
> On 02/06/2015 09:49 AM, Smith Lee wrote:
>> Dear All, I have a sca file. Will you please tell me by which
>> software or how I can know whether the sca file contains R-free
>> tags? If not, by which software or how I can add the R-free tags?
>> And how much of the reflections I add the R-free tags? I am looking
>> forward to getting your reply. Smith
> - --
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
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